Together with my partner Gabriel, I have been running ONS BUITEN for several years in second generation. We act on the shoulders of the company, which Krijn Jan built up, and in recent years have transformed ONS BUITEN into a nature development site and a healthy eco-effective business.
At ONS BUITEN, I can make the world a little bit better. That is what I have come here to do.
An eco-effective business, I could only have dreamt of that for a few years.
Step by step, Gabriel and I built our vision, attracted the right partners and persevered to transform our vision into what is currently ONS BUITEN. A peaceful space, where growth and development are fostered. We intervene to promote biodiversity, shape a landscape full of richness and abundance.
Besides improving and wanting to do something for nature, of which humans are also a part; I like to seize the opportunity to give people the chance to be themselves. Individuality, authenticity, integrity and independence are concepts that are not foreign to me.
If you really get to the core, if you are yourself, then you are at the point where something is really allowed to emerge. That this is actually the case, I experience almost daily in our team but also with the guests.
Team members feel seen and heard and we have received many compliments from guests in recent years. This atmosphere creates space in which a lot happens. If you want to know more about it or have a specific question: please speak to me on the premises.
Meet the team