Spring Equinox
20 maart 2024
ONS BUITEN is open year-round. And that means we experience and feel nature's annual cycle very consciously.
On March 20, the spring equinox takes place. At this time, the sun is perpendicular to the equator and day and night are exactly the same length.
After the winter solstice, the days already became longer and longer, and after the spring equinox, the days become longer than the nights again.
We also see this in nature.
Where seeds first germinated underground and invisible to us, now more and more young sprites are emerging from the ground. The buds were already forming on the trees, but in the near future we will see them open more and more. Nature is visibly blossoming now: it is spring!
We ourselves notice that this phase in nature's cycle also has an effect on us. Where winter called for letting go, retreat and gentle yin energy, we now feel yang slowly taking over. Plans we made now find a way out. From dreaming we move more and more to doing. Nature invites us to turn outside.
At the campsite, we also see a difference. The space at ONS BUITEN is filling up again with more movement and life. Where in the winter we saw mainly campers and caravans, the spots are now also filled with tents and folding trailers: it's all possible again.
Feel welcome at ONS BUITEN.