the wasp in the willows
16 augustus 2022
the wasp in the willows
During long periods of heat and drought, the number of wasps increases. As long as they stay at some distance, there is little to fear from wasps. At ONS BUITEN you see that they are mainly (high) in the willows. That's where wasps can find the most nutrition.
There are relatively many willows and willow branches at ONS BUITEN. These are very beneficial for the production of mulch and the energy regulation in the soil. Willows are also important for the protection of young plants and to give them the opportunity to root well. At the same time, willows quickly offer a lot of privacy to visitors and give the landscape more depth.
With the arrival of willows, the ecological balance also changes. Wasps are an important part of this. Warm summers mean extra wasps everywhere; we see this regularly in the news.
The advantage is that wasps at ONS BUITEN can feast on the nutrition in the willows. This means that they mainly stay there and are less likely to be attracted to people's food and drink. And so wasps and people can get through the summer at a safe distance from each other.
This is also beautifully visible in the WATER/MUD PLAYGROUND. There are many wasps here, which do not bother playing children. This is because the wasps stay in the willow trees. In (extremely) dry periods, however, they also sometimes look for water to come and drink. Then you have to be extra careful.
We also see an increase in biodiversity in the WELLNESS GARDEN. Sometimes the arrival of new life challenges the balance between environmental sustainability and human safety.
That is why landscape architect Jos has placed salamanders in the garden to keep this balance healthy. We also recently saw more hedgehogs in the park for a long time. They are also an important part of this total balance sheet and therefore come OUTSIDE US completely spontaneously. We're monitoring the process. And where necessary, we lend nature a helping hand to ensure health for each other and the environment.
Read more about balance and a healthy disruption of it for more life!
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