zone WEST

09 juli 2024

At the beginning of this month we took the final step in the transition of zone WEST: the new WASRUIMTE is now also open. 

The edge area of zone WEST consisted of camping sites with private sanitary facilities. Together with landscape developer Jos Willemsen, we made a plan to make this part of the site more natural and future-proof. 

  • The asphalt made way for semi-paved pavement with a top layer of shells. 
  • Some of the old planting was removed and used to create hügels so that new plants could grow even better. 
  • The private sanitary facilities were dismantled and a new sanitary unit with heat pump and solar boilers was installed.
  • The construction of new wadis and water gullies combined with the gently sloping landscape means that excess water can now easily drain away.
  • All lanterns were replaced with solar lighting.
  • In addition to fast-growing trees, herbs and shrubs, young nut trees were planted.
  • Some older trees were left standing so the area already has a pleasant feel, even though some plantings are still low. 

The results can be experienced and booked starting this month.